Омниканальная платформа для роста продаж и поддержки клиентов

Omnichannel messaging platform

A single workspace for all communication channels to enhance the customer experience at all touch points throughout the sales funnel

A single workspace for all communication channels to enhance the customer experience at all touch points throughout the sales funnel

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3-day free trial
Омниканальная платформа для роста продаж и поддержки клиентов

Talk to a customer on all channels

Talk to a customer on all channels

WhatsApp Business Account
WhatsApp Business
Telegram Personal
Telegram Bot
Telegram Bot
WhatsApp Business Account
WhatsApp Business
Telegram Perosonal
Telegram Personal
Telegram Bot
Telegram Bot

All your chats in one app

Convenience for the client and comfort for the manager
Общайтесь там, где удобно вашим клиентам
Communicate wherever your customers prefer
The client will write to where it is most familiar to him, and you will not miss any messages. Communicate from a single chat window while retaining the usual messenger features.
The client will write to where it is most familiar to him, and you will not miss any messages. Communicate from a single chat window while retaining the usual messenger features.
Бесшовная интеграцияс CRM-системой
Seamless CRM integration
New chat - new lead in CRM. All customer contacts and messages are saved and updated automatically. Answer the customer in the messenger or from the lead card.
New chat - new lead in CRM. All customer contacts and messages are saved and updated automatically. Answer the customer in the messenger or from the lead card.
Больше никаких переписок с личных телефонов
No more conversations from personal phones
All dialogs are stored in one place. The client will not go unanswered, even if the salesperson is sick, went on vacation or quit.
All dialogs are stored in one place. The client will not go unanswered, even if the salesperson is sick, went on vacation or quit.

More features for business

Conversation control
Руководитель всегда будет в курсе, какие условия предложил менеджер
и как отвечает клиенту
You will always be aware of what terms manager announced and how they chat to the client
окнтроль за перепиской менеджеров с клиентами для руководителя
Free up the manager's time for sales
Автоматизируйте рутину через
Он автоматически перенесёт сделку на следующий этап воронки
и напомнит клиенту о предстоящей оплате
Use chatbot to automate your routine. It will pass the lead card to the next step of the funnel and remind the customer about the upcoming payment
Автоматическая отправка сообщений клиенту через salesbot в ватсап и телеграм
Mass messaging
Отправляйте рассылку по клиентской базе автоматически в пару кликов через личный кабинет
или CRM-систему
Send messages automatically to the customer base with a few clicks via your personal account or CRM system
Массовая рассылка по клиентской базе в ватсап

Communicate and sell from the CRM

Chat initiation via WhatsApp and Telegram
Пишите первым в WhatsApp и Telegram прямо из amoCRM
The lead and contact are automatically created in the first request
Автоматическое создание сделки в амо црм при обращени клиента в месссенджер
Upload the chat history for any period in CRM
Синхронизация историии переписки в amoCRM
All messages are saved on the lead card. Even if you have chatted in several messengers
Сохранение переписки из мессенджеров в сделке амо СРМ
Trigger automated messages
Настройка автоматических сообщений в ватсап и телеграм через сейлсбот
Chat initiation via WhatsApp and Telegram
Продавайте в WhatsApp и Telegram прямо из amoCRM
All messages are saved on the lead card.
Even if you have chatted in several messengers
Сообщения из Телеграм и Ватсап в одной сделке срм
The lead and contact are automatically created in the first request
Новые сделки с первых сообщений клиентов в мессенджер
Trigger automated messages
Интеграция срм и ватсап. Автоматическая отправка сообщений в whatsapp по триггеру
Upload the chat history for any period in CRM
Автоматическая загрузка истории переписки с мессенджера в сделку срм


A full-fledged platform for working with clients in messengers
Не пропускайте сообщения от клиентов даже в нерабочеее время
No CRM needed
Chat from your Pact account, add notes about each client, assign a dialogue manager and configure filters
Chat from your Pact account, add notes about each client, assign a dialogue manager and configure filters
No CRM needed
Chat from your Pact account, add notes about each client, assign a dialogue manager and configure filters
Сообщения из ватсап, телеграм, инстаграм в одном окне
All-in-one Messanger
Communicate with the client in your favorite messenger, without switching between tabs
Communicate with the client in your favorite messenger, without switching between tabs
All-in-one Messanger
Общайтесь с клиентом в удобном
для него мессенджере, без переключения между вкладками и не путаясь в диалогах
Communicate with the client in your favorite messenger, without switching between tabs
Омниканальный чат Пакт
Подключайте менеджер корпоративным аккаунтов без передачи паролей
Corporate account security
No need to pass social credentials to the manager. It is enough to grant access from your personal account
No need to pass social credentials to the manager. It is enough to grant access from your personal account
Corporate account security
Не нужно передавать менеджеру логины и пароли
от соц. сетей. Достаточно выдать доступ
из личного кабинета
No need to pass social credentials to the manager. It is enough to grant access from your personal account
безопасность корпоративный аккаунтов ватсап и телеграм
Messenger widget
А quick way for a client to start a chat in the messenger from the site
А quick way for a client to start a chat in the messenger from the site
API Integration
Use ready-made integration with CRM or connect other services using an open API
Use ready-made integration with CRM or connect other services using an open API
Message Analysis
Improve the way your company operates: response speed, number of dialogs, popular channels
Improve the way your company operates: response speed, number of dialogs, popular channels

Free trial
for 3 days

Experience all the service features without restrictions
- Respond quickly to customer messages
- Use chat bots and massages
- Increase your sales
- Respond quickly to customer messages
- Use chat bots and massages
- Increase your sales
Try for Free
Бесплатный тестовый период омниканальной платформы Пакт